The article presents the latest solution of the ZZB battery power unit for the working system of SWS-1700ENB self-propelled blast truck, developed at the KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology in Gliwice. Use of an internal electric charger allows charging the ZZB batteries assembly from the power grid with a rated voltage of 500V and 1000 V without the need for the blast truck to travel to the charging place with the possibility of charging the batteries from the electric generator while the vehicle is driving. SWS-1700ENB self-propelled blast truck, manufactured by Lena Wilków Sp. z o. o. with the ZZB assembly is intended for use in underground, non-methane mining plants extracting metal ores and underground, non-methane mining plants extracting minerals other than hard coal and metal ores.

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Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Przemysław DEJA, Marcin SKÓRA, Piotr HYLLA