Solid gravity energy storage in mine shafts – feasibility and functionality
Mining Machines, (2024) Vol. 42, Issue 3
PDF (Angielski)

Słowa kluczowe

energy storaging
solid gravity storaging
shaft as a storage
gravity storaging


Power and Energy storaging is bacoming as one of contemporary the biggest chalenges. Main reason is development of renewable Energy sources and irregular production cycle. In article is described typology of energy and power storaging solutions and solid gravity energy storage (SGES) place in this typology with briefly description of gravity storages idea. As an industrial proces SGES are analyzed theoretical and practical SGES feasibility. Constraints and functionality of  SGES is a background for SGES feasibility analysis in main areas of feasibility (technical, legal, economic and operational). Because expectations for SGES are not definied in article was done analysis for two ways – for existing shaft with equipment and for expected SGES capacity. Results of analysis are presented as final conclusions.


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Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Jacek KORSKI